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Using Our Patient Portal

How to create an account:

  1.  You will receive an email from: "Dr. Dominguez & Dr. Dinenberg office". And it will say, "New Portal Account with Dr. Dominguez & Dr. Dinenberg office"
  2.  The email will have an "Initial Username" and an "Initial Password".  Copy and paste, or write them down.  These temporary login/passwords will grant you access to the portal so that you can personalize your login and password. 

How to View Your Labs:

Once you're logged in, you need to choose the tab on the left called "health".  At the top, on the right, in teal letters it says "request health records" . Click on that and a list of records will appear.  To view each one, click on the teal box that says, "View Information".  You just have to keep scrolling down through all the health information until you locate you labs (under the title "lab tests & results")

Cat Dominguez, RN, MSN

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